About Tournamet


3nd Interantional bowling tournament 3. - 6. May 2017, I.PSKN Prague

Dear bowling friends,
With big pleasure, i see a big interest of bowling tournament in Prague and it exceeds the maximum capacity of gamehall Best Bowling Zličín on Na Ovčíně. For that reason we have ordered a bigger gamehall.

This letter also includes names of all registered players. I kindly ask all club managers to check the names list, club names and states and also pairs list if it is correct.

Be so kind and pay in advance 1400,- CZK per player. Also you got a questionnaire, where you should fill in type of your arrival ( car,bus, train ,plane), time of your arrival and departure ,and where/what is your hotel. We need to know it to optimize tournament draw and also if you want to go sightseeing. Good new: we have been sucessfull to book v hotelu Olšanka for closing banquet. Anyone who doesn't want to eat at the buffet can come at 21 pm. to 23 pm. The final ceremony will take place on May 6th at 21 pm. All players and Visitor pay 200 CZK.

The only problem is that demand for other parties fort this place is very big and we have to pay by beginning of March the rent.
Thats why i kindly ask you to reply to this mail by 31th of December 2016 that the names are correct and the fees are paid 1400,- CZK (1400 for play 500 for banquet).

In March we have to pay all fees and we will give the names to referees , which will do the lot and schedule.
Please be so kind and reply to my new email adress:  Djaro.bowlingcz@gmail.com  


Where to send money and give name and address:

Name:                  Jaromír Vohryzka
Address:             Nechvílova 1843/12, 148 00 Praha 4 - Chodov, Czech Republic
IBAN:                   CZ28 2010 0000 0020 0102 2964
BIC:                     FIOBCZPPXXX


Thank you and in the name of organizational team, i am looking forward to see you Vohryzka Jaromir


I send everyone a questionnaire, please fill out and send back. We want to prepare for the tournament and also that you were all satisfied.


BANQUET - 6. May 2017